Thursday, August 20, 2009

Norway and now Sweden

Norway was very beautiful and expensive. It was so much fun riding bikes, hiking and walking around town. I loved the fresh air and the beautiful scenery.

I`m in Sweden for the next two nights then off to Denmark and a futball game.

Monday, August 17, 2009


I´m going to Norway, Sweden and then Denmark. I´m excited to mountain biking and hiking in Norway. Norway and Sweden are suppose to be beautiful but expensive.

I can`t believe that my trip is almost over. I´ve had so much fun visiting new places and meeting new people.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I really enjoyed Austria and the Alps. I loved my 22 mile bike along the Danube River and the really friendly people.

I would love to go back and spend more time in Salzburg and smaller towns. I hiked from Austria to Germany to visit the castles and had an amaying time.

I only stayed in Munich for one night and their is so much more to see next time. I am in Köln and crusing the Rhine Revier tomorrow.

Then off to Beligum.....for some waffles and fries.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

fast fast fast

I'm staying in a different hotel everynight so I won't be able to update as much. I'm in Austria, then up to Germany, Belgium then Paris.....

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A day in Prague

I went to the castle square this morning and loved the inside of St Vitus Cathedral. They were having mass in the front of the church and it was nice to hear the organ.

I did the free tour guide of the city, which was awesome. I gave an overview of the city and we walked through old town, new town and the Jewish Quarter. She had a lot of details and history to share.

I've released that as Americans we are very stable. I haven't had a new government (just different presidents), new boundaries, or new currency. Czechs have experienced several different governments within the last 20-40 years. We don't have other countries invading our land and trying to conquer our people. Pearl harbor was attacked but our government was threaten or overthrown.

It started raining tonight and I hope that it stops by the morning. I've had wonderful weather so far, I can't complain to much.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Prague with a stop in Dresden

I left early this morning to catch the train to Prague. I stopped half way in Dresden. Dresden was an amazing city. The city was bombed by the allies in 1945, destroying their palaces, opera houses and churches. They have reconstructed most of the buildings and have done an amazing job with the aesthetics. I've enjoyed the extra leg workout walking on the cobblestone streets.

When I arrived in Prague I was surprised that the train station was closed even though it as only 5:30pm....but it is a Saturday. It took me extra long to figure out how to get a ticket for the metro and to my hotel. I withdrew money from the ATM and then went to McDonalds for coins to buy a ticket (the ticket machines don't accept bills). I made it to my hotel, which is really nice!! (I booked it as a special deal I saw on; they charged my credit card in June and I was hoping that it is nice.)

I walked around the castle and bridge to get a feel of the city. The castle is gorgeous at night; I love it all lit up!!